Three-year olds
Preschool Threes
Crown of Life Preschool Threes Programs offer a wide variety of developmentally appropriate activities which are fun and valuable to a child’s learning. These activities encourage exploration and discovery while using their five senses. Children enrolled in the Preschool Threes Program must be toilet trained. We certainly understand the occasional accident as children adjust to preschool. Our mission is to provide children with a foundation for learning and to prepare them for a lifetime of Spiritual growth. All Preschool programs have a Lead Teacher with a degree or CDA and an Instructional Assistant. Class sizes vary from 12-16 children per class.
Programs Offered:
Monday- Friday 9 am- 2 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 am- 2 pm (2 classes)
Tuesday and Thursday 9 am - 2 pm (2 classes)
Extending the Day
If parents wish to extend the day after classroom hours, children may stay for the STARZ program. This program is offered 5 days per week during the hours of 2 pm and 5 pm. Parents are charged at the rate of $6.00 per hour and are only charged for the time their child is in attendance. STARZ is offered to all children enrolled in the school and they may attend on any day of the week, even if it is not their regularly scheduled class day. Hours are recorded daily and billed at the end of the month when tuition is billed.
Faith Development
Chapel is held once a week and is led by our pastor, Mark Barz. The children listen to the Bible lesson for the week, sing songs, and pray together. The Fruits of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are encouraged in their walk with Christ. Families are encouraged to send in a Chapel offering. This is optional. All offerings from Chapel go to local ministries. We also support two children from Kenya through Compassion International. Each week, a Chapel Note comes home with the children letting parents know what was learned in Chapel. This opens a wonderful opportunity for families to talk about the Bible story and the lesson learned. Children will participate in an Advent Service during school hours in December and parents are invited to join us.
Each family is given a Story Bible upon enrolling in Crown of Life Lutheran School. A note in each Bible lets families know that one of the Crown of Life congregation families are praying for their family throughout the year.
Spanish, Music, and Movement
Spanish, Music and Movement (no additional charge) is led once a week by our Spanish teacher, Ms. Romina. Included is Movement and Music in both English and Spanish. Children will be introduced to phrases and songs and will see the joy in learning new things while having fun!
Soccer is offered by Soccer Shots on Mondays and Thursdays. There is an additional charge to enroll in this class. This class promotes team play and fairness but also focuses on character formation while also teaching a positive word of the week. It emphasizes the importance of exercise to stay healthy.
All children enjoy outdoor play once or twice a day for about 20 minutes during their regularly scheduled class. COL has a wonderful Community Life Center that is our gym during school hours and in the event of rain or inclement weather, the children are escorted by their teachers to the gym to have some indoor play with toys and games.
The curriculum for the threes programs has a balance of fun and learning. Developing social skills is a very important part of a three-year-old’s life. There will be plenty of opportunities to share, take turns, follow directions, and interact with their peers in both small and large groups. They will also be introduced to letter sounds, numbers, colors, shapes, and problem solving. Story time is also a very important part of a three-year-old's day. There is no nap time, but classes will have a quiet time each day after lunch where children can rest, do puzzles, or look at books. There is a progress report at the beginning and at the end of the school year so that the parent can see how their child has progressed over time.
Parents provide lunch and a snack for their child each day. Please provide a thermos for hot foods as we are unable to heat foods. There are no food restrictions. If we have a child in the classroom with severe allergies, we will notify parents if this changes. We recommend a balanced lunch and snack with bite size finger foods.
Our classes also enjoy parties celebrating Thanksgiving, Jesus' Birthday, Jesus' Resurrection, Valentine's Day, and a costume party in October. We recognize student birthdays to make them feel special and to let them know they are a blessing to everyone. We also have an End of the Year celebration with closing Chapel and social time afterwards on our playground. We offer other fun, family activities such as Touch- A- Truck, Family Dance Night, and Movie Night.
Our school year runs from September 1 (or the first week in September) through the third week of May. Our school follows the NEISD School Calendar for holidays and breaks. We also follow the Church (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) calendar that includes Easter Monday when we are closed.
Our three-year-old preschool programs have a wonderful balance of fun learning, structure and routine nurtured by loving teachers, assistants, and staff members to prepare them for happiness and success in the future.
For more information or if you have questions, please contact our Education Office at (210) 490-9860.