March 28 - 29, 2025

cost: free!

Navigating Christian Sexuality in a Post-Christian Culture

 Presented by DOXOLOGY: The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel.

 Friday, March 28 – Saturday, March 29

Crown of Life Lutheran Church, San Antonio, TX

Cost: FREE!

The church faces significant challenges as it navigates the legal redefinition of marriage, the complexities of gender, and evolving sexual norms. This conference aims to equip Christians and their pastors with the tools to articulate a positive Christian perspective on marriage and sexuality so they can engage thoughtfully and live confidently amidst today’s challenges. Further information to follow.

Friday afternoon, March 28 - Topics for Pastors

Saturday, March 29 - Topics for Everyone

(See Tentative Schedule click here)

Speakers will be Rev. David Fleming and Dr. Beverly Yahnke

To register, contact Pastor Kachelmeier at