The Transfiguration of Our Lord 2022: Luke 9 Crown of Life OfficeFebruary 27, 2022Pastor Christopher Nuttelman, Luke 9, Transfiguration
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany 2022: Luke 6 Pastor Mark BarzFebruary 20, 2022Pastor Mark Barz, Luke 6, Epiphany
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany 2022: Luke 6 Pastor Christopher NuttelmanFebruary 13, 2022Pastor Christopher Nuttelman, Luke 6, Epiphany
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany 2022: Isaiah 6 Pastor Mark BarzFebruary 6, 2022Pastor Mark Barz, Isaiah 6, Epiphany
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany 2022: Luke 4 Pastor Mark BarzJanuary 30, 2022Pastor Christopher Nuttelman, Luke 4, Epiphany
Third Sunday after the Epiphany (Sanctity of Life Sunday) 2022: Psalm 102 & Luke 4 Pastor Mark BarzJanuary 23, 2022Pastor Mark Barz, Psalm 102, Luke 4, Epiphany
Second Sunday after Epiphany 2022: John 2 Pastor Mark BarzJanuary 16, 2022Pastor Mark Barz, John 2, Epiphany
The Baptism of our Lord 2022: Luke 3 Pastor Christopher NuttelmanJanuary 9, 2022Pastor Christopher Nuttelman, Luke 3, Epiphany
The Epiphany of our Lord: Isaiah 62 Pastor Mark BarzJanuary 6, 2022Pastor Mark Barz, Isaiah 62, Epiphany
Second Sunday after Christmas 2022: Luke 2 Pastor Mark BarzJanuary 2, 2022Pastor Mark Barz, Luke 2, Christmas
First Sunday after Christmas 2021: Luke 2 Pastor Mark BarzDecember 26, 2021Pastor Mark Barz, Luke 2, Christmas
The Nativity of our Lord 2021: John 1 Pastor Christopher NuttelmanDecember 25, 2021Pastor Christopher Nuttelman, John 1, Christmas
Christmas Eve 2021: Romans 3 Pastor Mark BarzDecember 24, 2021Pastor Mark Barz, Romans 3, Christmas Eve
Fourth Sunday of Advent 2021: Luke 1 Pastor Christopher NuttelmanDecember 19, 2021Pastor Christopher Nuttelman, Luke 1, Advent
Wednesday of Advent 3 2021: Judges 6 Pastor Mark BarzDecember 15, 2021Pastor Mark Barz, Judges 6, Advent
Third Sunday of Advent 2021: Philippians 4 Pastor Mark BarzDecember 12, 2021Pastor Mark Barz, Philippians 4, Advent
Wednesday of Advent 2 2021: Exodus 40 Pastor Christopher NuttelmanDecember 8, 2021Pastor Christopher Nuttelman, Exodus 40, Advent
Second Sunday of Advent 2021: Luke 3 Pastor Christopher NuttelmanDecember 5, 2021Pastor Christopher Nuttelman, Luke 3, Advent
Wednesday of Advent 1 2021: Exodus 3 Pastor Mark BarzDecember 1, 2021Pastor Mark Barz, Exodus 3, Advent